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Learn at the center or online the language of your choice without stress. We give the best learning experience to our students. Our modern classes with audio and video equipment enable the learner to practice and interact with lecturers and mates.

LEVELS (Duration per level: 3 Months)

A1- Beginner 

The learner will be able to understand and use everyday expressions in very basic phrases to address a specific need. Self-introduction, asking information on personal details. Simple interaction with people speaking slowly.


The learner will be able understand sentences and frequently used expressions related immediate relevance (Personal and familiar information, shopping, local geography, employment)

B1- Intermediate 

The learner will be able to understand main points of a clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in his environment (school, work, leisure…). He/she will be able to produce simple connected text on familiar or personal topics, describing events, dreams, hopes and ambitions. Ability to give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans

B2- Upper Intermediate 

The learner will be able to understand the main ideas of a complex text both on concrete and abstract topics. Fluent and spontaneous in interaction with a native speaker. He/she will be able to produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects.

C1- Advanced 

The learner will be able to understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts and recognize implicit meaning. He/she will be able to express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. He/she will be able to use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.

C2- Proficiency 

The learner will be able to understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. He/she will be able to summarize information from different spoken or written sources in coherent presentation. He/she will be able to express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations

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